Thursday 18 October 2012

Questions to Ask Before Searching for a Chemicals Company?

Chemicals play a crucial role in manufacturing processes, and industrial units require a variety of them at different stages of production. So, they partner with chemical companies to meet their needs. Industrial units from time to time need to change their chemical partner due to cost, product or quality related reasons. Before the transition, it is better to be sure about the requirements and needs. So, to find the appropriate chemicals partner, firstly answer below mentioned questions and then go ahead.

What is my order requirement and size?

Every company has different need of chemicals, depending upon the manufacturing capacity and products being developed. Hence, it pays to keep a rough idea in mind about your needs and, then, search accordingly. Chemical firms come in all type of sizes and have different supply capacity. While a big company can meet bulk orders in small duration, smaller chemical units cannot meet huge orders in short deadlines. So, your search needs to be based on the details related to order requirement.

What chemicals do I need?

Every manufacturing unit has different chemical needs depending upon the product it manufactures. While Bacitracin Zinc is something that a unit dealing in drugs and medications would require, Propylene Glycol comes handy in concentrate and fragrance industry. So, it can be said that every manufacturer has a different chemical demand. You need a company that offers chemicals suitable to your processes. By keeping the focus on suitable firms only, great amount of time can be saved.

Do I just need chemicals or more than that?

Manufacturing units nowadays also need services related to chemicals. Hence, partnering with a laboratory chemicals firm that offers chemicals but not related services is only going to short term solution. So, better ask the question whether your product processes ask for chemical related services like micronization, power blending, custom manufacturing and liquid blending. If the answer is yes, then, it is better to focus on firms that offer the same services.

Once a manufacturer has answered the set of questions, the search for the potential future partner can be kick started. Web can familiarize one with chemical firms that were earlier unknown. Making searches can bring out the most active and popular chemical companies, and from those, one can easily find the best for business.

Chemical companies active online maintain catalogues through which one can easily find whether it offers the set of chemicals you are looking for or not. For instance, if you require ACS chemicals for your products, then, you can easily go through the website to locate the item. If it is there, the firm can be contacted online only.

Some companies even offer shopping cart capabilities in their online platforms to simplify order placement and payments. So, if you need citric acid solution as an ingredient of industrial cleaning product, order can be placed online and shipment received at your doorstep.

Such companies are changing the way chemical orders are being placed and services rendered.
So, ask these questions and then go ahead to find your best chemicals firm.

Lab Express is a chemicals manufacturing and distribution company active in the field since 1998. In its extensive range of 20,000 fine chemicals and intermediates, it offers food grade materials, nutritional extracts, oils, reagents and numerous others. For More visit .

Friday 12 October 2012

Points to Consider while Handling and Distributing Chemicals

There is a great demand of chemicals as they play pivotal role in making products for modern usage. Hence, manufacturers require consistent supply of chemicals to keep goods on the supermarket shelves. For the same, chemical suppliers are there. While this was all about demand and supply, the aspect of safety during distribution is also crucial to make sure that chemicals reach the manufacturers in perfect condition. Following are the basic safety points to be considered while distributing and transporting chemicals.
Every chemical is distinct and has different properties and usage. Therefore, it is important to label the details on the containers it is being transported in. Details like
  • Chemical’s name
  • Manufacturing date
  • Manufacturing company’s name
  • Concentration
  • Hazardous
  • Emergency information
All information needs to be clearly indicated. For receiver’s convenience too, labeling is significant. It helps in segregation according to the nature of the chemicals.
Use of symbols
Be it industry or lab chemicals, symbols always help when it comes to handling chemicals. Every chemical has a specific category and only the ones belonging to the same category need to be stored together. Identification can be simplified through the use of symbols. For instance, the symbol or sign of TOXIC with skull and crossbones indicate that the chemical is poisonous. In the same way, there are signs for corrosive chemicals, oxidizing substances and flammable chemicals. Separate symbols can be used to simplify handling procedures.

Safety procedures :

Chemicals Safety procedure
In case of chemicals distribution and transportation, there are a huge number of safety procedures in place to be followed. There are safety considerations for
  • Vehicle
  • Packaging
  • Stacking
  • safety equipment
  • Physical conditions.
So, it can be deciphered that chemicals like DL-Methionine which is used as supplements for pets will demand different handling procedures as compared to hazardous industry chemicals. So, procedures can vary from chemical to chemical and it is the job of the chemicals firm to make arrangements for safe transfer.

Using Material Safety Data Sheet :
Chemicals Special packaging
MSDS, also known by its full name ‘Material Safety Data Sheet’, underlines critical information about the chemical, its properties and handling guidelines. Using the same can simplify the work to much extent as one becomes familiar with chemical’s name, key ingredients, product code, storage, handling and number of other details. MSDS streamlines tasks and chances of missing something important about a chemical, say, Minoxidil USP are minimized.

Special packaging :
There are a number of chemical firms that offer the service of special packaging to make sure that supplies reach to the client in the way they prefer. According to the requirement of the client, drums, bags and bulk supersacks are used to transport the chemicals safely. Manufacturers looking for laboratory chemical supplies also sometimes ask for special packaging.

Safety procedures vary from chemical to chemical. While chemicals in liquid form ask for different packaging and handling, products rendered by procedure of powder blending ask for different treatment.
So, do remember the points mentioned above to guarantee safe handling and distribution. And if you are planning to buy pure chemicals online, partner with only an established firm with experience and extensive portfolio.

Lab Express is a chemical manufacturing company active in the market since 1998. It is in compliance with FDA regulations and manufactures under GMP and ISO standards. Active on web as, it also has dealings with Fortune 500 companies.

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Web Elements of a Modern Chemicals Supplier

Businesses have changed their way of functioning with the advancements in technology. Nowadays, focus is on simplifying everything for clients and reaching them through new ways. Web is playing a crucial role in all of it. Chemical firms too, look forward to establish their dominance in the web field and through powerful platforms; they are making things easy for their clients. Following are the elements whose consideration is making the difference;

Shopping cart software

Modern chemical suppliers know that their clients are busy and they don’t have time as well as manpower to quote requirements in person. Hence, to simplify their work, chemical firms offer the option of shopping cart on their website. Through shopping cart, a client can easily choose the chemicals he requires, fill in the details and be done with everything within minutes. Billing is also simplified. Big chemical players usually consider inclusion of shopping cart to furnish ease of shopping to its clients.

Bulk quote requests

Big chemicals player handle big orders on day to day basis and if one is active on web through a website, the provision of bulk quote requests is kind of obligatory. By requesting a bulk quote, client can render the details and quantity of the required product in talk. In case of chemicals, a number of details like size, quantity, catalog number and description are required to be furnished. Collecting the same becomes simple for a laboratory chemicals firm with the help of bulk quote form on the website.

Account Provisions

As mentioned above, a lot can be accomplished through web. Order placement and tracking becomes simple if a website supports account making functions. Be it companies offering chemical products or a firm specializing services like powder blending, provision of creating an account and then interacting through it is a popular norm. A client can perform a number of tasks through online account if the website offers the scope. Celebrated chemical firms are known for the same. Some even make provisions for returning customers separately. This however asks for a dynamic website with powerful features.

Search engine presence

Clients often look for new chemical firms by making use of search engines. Specific chemicals are also abundantly searched. To have search engine presence, it is important for a website to be made after plenty of thought. Keyword analysis, content, design and numerous other elements make a website score on search engines. Chemical firms have realized this and are therefore operating through web platforms that help the company in having strong presence on search engines. So, it can be said a chemical firm no longer specialize only in chemicals like Bacitracin Zinc.

Hence, it can be deciphered that chemical firms have realized the power that internet can offer and they are opting every measure to make sure that they are able to connect with their clients through their websites. Just like big players, smaller ones too are using websites to highlight their offerings of citric acid solution, Dichloromethane and other chemicals.

So, these were some of the many web elements that modern chemical suppliers use to make a web mark.

Lab Express is a chemicals manufacturing and distribution company active since 1998. Its extensive product lines include dyestuffs, pigments and food grade materials among 20,000 fine chemicals and intermediates. Lab Express also supplies Fortune 500 companies.